How to create your AWS access Key ID and AWS Secret Access key

In this guide I will show how to get started with S3 by creating your AWS credentials that Amazon refers as AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key to access and manage Amazon S3 buckets:

Step 0: Create an account with AWS

If that’s not already done, you first need to create a AWS account:

Head to
Fill the multiple step registration form:
After adding your credit card details and going through the verification steps, you should see this message:

Step 1: Connect to the AWS console

Head to and connect using your root account or IAM user if it exists:
Once logged in you should see the AWS console

Step 2: Create your AWS access keys

(1/5) - Go to the IAM service either by:
1. using the direct link:
2. using the Find features search box from the admin console
3. locating the service from the admin console under Security, Identify & Compliance
(2/5) - Create a user if needed:
(3/5) - Create a group if needed:
(4/5) - Link the user with the relevant group and create tags if needed:
(5/5) - Final review before AWS can generate your AWS acces Key ID and AWS Secret Access key:
You got it! A fresh AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key you can now use in your application!

Step 3: Test your key is working fine by accessing S3

There’s many way to test if your S3 keys is working:

Our S3 browser and explorer thrives at making S3 user friendly by non technical users. With Filestash, you can easily edit / upload and explore your buckets, create shared links that are as easy to set up as on Dropbox and providing a range of access control to keep your buckets secure.

On premise or on the cloud, you can install the web client anywhere you want. Our code is open source if you feel like reading some code.